Thursday, November 9, 2017


These pictures were taken during our first week of D.A.S.H. (Disability Awareness Starts Here). We were testing our smarts by doing different activities. This unit of D.A.S.H. was invisible disabilities, about people being intelligent in different ways. Before, as homework, we did a packet on seeing which smart we are most. The types of smarts are: Picture smart, Word smart, Music smart, Nature smart, Body smart, Number smart, People smart, and Yourself smart.
This was the second week of D.A.S.H., when we experienced what it's like to have a learning (invisible)disability.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Room 12 Times in Pictures by Christian, Elle, Rohan, and Scarlett

We are learning how to edit dialog on the JTouch Board.

We are teaching more people in the class how to use Versa Tiles.

We are building teamwork with puzzles!

This is the finished puzzle of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

We are learning about weathering and erosion by doing the experiment Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

We are making topographical maps by using sliced clay landforms.

                                                 by Christian, Elle, Rohan, and Scarlett

Monday, September 11, 2017

2017/18 School Year - First Post!!!!

Welcome to Fourth Grade!  We are excited for a great year of learning and fun.  Thanks for checking us out and hopefully you will register for email notifications of new posts.  We look forward to helping connect the classroom to your home.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Room 12 Update

MCAS Update: We will have one more day of ELA MCAS next Wednesday.  Math MCAS is scheduled for May 8th and 9th.  

Mystery Reader 

Parker's mom came in and read some of her favorite books.   

The class really enjoyed having Parker's mom come in.  Please email me if you would like to come in on a Friday afternoon to share a book, craft, hobby, or some other area of interest with the class.  All ideas welcome.

Books In Bloom

The annual "Books in Bloom" project was completed.  We used the community read of the book "Life is Good" as our theme.
Students holding some of the many books they have read that represent the Life is Good superpowers.
This is our project at the Town Library.  All projects will be displayed until April 14th.  

Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentine's Day in Room 12

Blog post by students of room 12.

In the morning we made pouches for our Valentines. 
We put our names at the top of the paper and glued hearts all around the front.
Mr. Duffy called us up one-by-one to pick our new books.
We all loved finding and then reading other classmates books. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Mr. Panos visit

Classroom Visit by Parent
Blog designed by Lucas, Alex, and Noah

Mr. Panos, Alex's dad, came to our classroom last Friday and taught us about entrepreneurs. 
We worked in groups to find profits of our newly produced products.
Entrepreneurs are not always successful at first.  Never giving up is a very important lesson to learn. 
We learned how hard it is to be an entrepreneur. It's a lot harder than you would think! Of course we needed a little help.

Sometimes we overreacted and got a little bit too excited!
We learned that you subtract your expenses from your revenue to get you profit. We also learned about Phil Knight, the creator of Nike.
We agreed on a group CEO. The CEO was the leader and presenter for the group.  Mr. Panos helped us out with some of the profit calculations.
Feel free to come in any time and talk about your hobbies or job(s). You can also be a mystery reader for our class. Email Mr. Duffy at 
                                                           THANK YOU MR. PANOS!